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Business Opportunities

Looking for a way to get your teams involved with sustainability, the climate crisis, and protecting our environment?

Check out our resources to help you and your employees be part of the successful Earth Gives ecosystem and make our inaugural giving day a stepping stone to success for environmental nonprofits across the country.

How to Get Your Business and Employees Involved in Earth Gives.

We offer opportunities for:

  • Employee Giving - Donate to any nonprofit that your company seeks to partner with, as long as they are participating here. You can also "recruit" a nonprofit that might not already be here, yet you inspire to participate. Optional employee matching is available.
  • Employee Giving - Start a Fundraiser for a particular nonprofit and start raising funds
  • Sponsorship - Join us as an early investor or consider funding a Leaderboard Prize
  • Getting the word out: Advertising, Social Media & Communication - utilizing your business communication platforms can help ALL of the participating nonprofits be more successful. (Co-branded advertising and other creative opportunities all up for discussion.)
  • Matching Gift - you can offer a matching gift for any nonprofit, even if you don't host your own business page
  • Discounts & Donations - we're ready to brainstorm Sustainable Swag ideas that integrate your business products and services. From featuring key "Earth Gives" products for a month that will result in your company making a donation for every purchase, to other ideas, we're game.
  • Articles for and by Businesses - consider sharing creative ways companies are amping up their social responsibility.

  • Sponsorships

    Show your support for Earth Gives Day as an official "seed investor" and Sponsor. A variety of sponsorship levels are available for this exciting national effort. Customized engagements are available. We seek committed and hopefully long term partners that help us co-create and iterate on this amazing community taking on the climate crisis and protecting our environment.

    If your organization is interested, reach out today by contacting

    "We're fighting for soil, land, food, trees, water, birds. We're fighting for life."

    - Gregorio Mirabal, Indigenous leader and coordinator of the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)

  • Advertising, Social Media & Communication

    One of the most critical elements to the success of this giving day is NOT the dollars. It's the messaging. It's the science-based inspired knowledge that we seek to share. Why? Because when we empower everyone with facts and ideas to be "part of the change", we can do more, change more, and bring the whole of the country and beyond to solve this problem.

    So, if you have the "green messaging chops" or the platforms that can put those with that knowledge to work, and elevate our nonprofit participants, then let's talk. In-kind and other media partners are welcome to spread this important day to others. Don't just tweet - connect now:

    Our social platforms have been established, but we could use some help as we scale. So reach out and consider offering up some of your talents to our cause. And as a sponsor, you'll be sharing insights for businesses and their employees to take. It is the connected community that together will be inspired to each play a role.

  • Matching Gift

    These gifts can be leveraged by nonprofits is so many ways. So reach out and offer one up - even if $1,000 or more. Check-in with one of our participating nonprofits and explore what might work for them. Don't delay. They'll need to plan around it. And it's a great way for your company to get recognition through their social platforms. Trying to expand your B2C reach in a certain state or area? Then find those organizations and leverage your "charitable donations" to reach more people in a way you can feel good about.

  • Discounts & Donations

    So the Fall begins to near and you're wondering how to message and market to your community. Well, what about offering a donation to Earth Gives and its participating nonprofits for every purchase made between September and October 7th? What about a discount for every donor in your area who made a contribution to Earth Gives? They can show a receipt confirming they gave to on October 7th.

    • Take a tip from some clothing resellers who provide a "wooden token" for its customers to place into one of three buckets which vote for where their donation should go when you go about making your donation on Earth Gives Day. They feel appreciated. They have some agency to direct you on what group to support. And you can choose your three options for the day - may be one issue-focused, one local, and one led by BIPOC individuals. Build it in any way that models your business ethos.
    • Host an Earth Gives party or event one week out from the day. Invite guests to talk about how each individual can make changes in their lives. And offer up the opportunity to join your business page to make a donation to an organization you're featuring. Donors can also schedule their online gifts in advance.
    • What else? So many ideas, plan now.
  • Articles for Business

    Get creative. There is no single solution. There are many and businesses can lead the way on many levels.

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